Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jay Leno to George W. Bush: Thanks for all the jokes

Jay Leno to George W. Bush: Thanks for all the jokes

1 comment:

  1. Funny article. "I'm a happy guy.' Yes I voted for him twice. I also voted for Clinton in 1996. I liked a lot of what George did but his two biggest mistakes in my mind were.

    1. Never vetoing a spending bill. What many do not know is how much fiscal conservatives like me and many others were furious with George and the Republican (until 2006) congress. They spent like drunken sailors and were probably what really was the early impetus for the tea party.

    @. Iraq. I remember the night he said "And now we need to invade Iraq." I said WTF??? All of my conservative friends and many on the left bought the Saddam was involved in 911 BS. Although Clinton said he had WMD's along with Bush and most in congress. Ron Paul, and Dennis Kucinich were about the only ones saying don't go. True conservatives do not believe in invading another country unless there is a direct threat to the US. I'm not sure on Afghanistan (Will we ever leave there?) but Iraq was a flat out fiscal nightmare and was horrible for our world standing.

    What do you think of old GWB?
